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America's Three Constitutions
Complete Texts of the Articles of Confederation, U.S. Constitution, and C.S. Constitution


By Lochlainn Seabrook - 142 pages - Illustrated 


It is a rarity to find a book that includes the unaltered original texts of all three of America’s most conservative documents. In addition to the three important charters, Mr. Seabrook also provides numerous supplemental conservative documents that are seldom recognized or discussed today; critical early writings that helped forge the spectacular country that George Washington called a “confederate republic”: The United States of America.


The papers in this heavily illustrated work span 87 years, from 1774 to 1861, covering the period in which the following significant events took place: The secession of the 13 American colonies (in response to the tyranny of monarchical Great Britain), the American Revolutionary War, the founding of the United States of America, the writing of the Articles of Confederation, the Philadelphia Convention, the writing of the Constitution of the United States of America, the secession of 13 (eleven full, two partial) Southern states (in response to the tyranny of the Left-wing North), the formation of the Confederate States of America, the writing of the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, and the start of Lincoln’s War on the U.S. Constitution.


While leaving the original 18th- and 19th-Century texts intact and unedited, Mr. Seabrook provides historical bullet points for each document which supply background and context to the creation and development of both the United States of America and the Confederate States of America. 

The author-editor also includes an introduction, index, appendices, endnotes, and a bibliography. 


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