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"The Quotable Robert E. Lee: Selections From the Writings and Speeches of the South's Most Beloved Civil War General"


By Lochlainn Seabrook - 252 pages - Illustrated


Whether you are new to the “Great Virginian” or a longtime fan, award-winning Southern historian Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook’s book, The Quotable Robert E. Lee: Selections From the Writings and Speeches of the South’s Most Beloved Civil War General, will be a revelation. 


Writers, teachers, scholars, speakers, preachers, lecturers, and historians will find this compact book of literary gems of inestimable value, and history lovers and Civil War buffs will enjoy meandering through both the many Victorian illustrations and the veritable garden of Leeisms. The latter include everything from his private letters and military dispatches, to his personal views on education, child-rearing, Nature, religion, secession, slavery, abolition, and Lincoln’s War.


While we often learn about famous individuals through dry encyclopedic entries, overly detailed history books, and massively long biographies, in Seabrook’s The Quotable Robert E. Lee we get to know “Marse Robert” - and even relive the Civil War - through his own words, notes, aphorisms, letters, speeches, and field reports. Discover the real Robert E. Lee in the role of son, brother, husband, father, friend, devout Christian, Mexican-American War vet, Civil War general, and president of Washington College (now Washington and Lee University) in this information-packed read. 


Includes nearly 400 footnoted quotes, a time line of Lee’s life and accomplishments, a Lee family tree, unusual Lee family facts, Lee’s plan for emancipating and enlisting slaves in the Confederate army, a bibliography, and dozens of rare photos and images.The author’s copious and detailed notes provide excellent context to the wealth of Lee material.


Please note: The paperback has a caricature of Robert E. Lee on the front cover, courtesy of Chris Rommel.


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The Quotable Robert E. Lee

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